Bennett, Tony (1995) The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory, Politics. London: Routledge. [AM7 .B39 1995]
The Birth of the Museum is an engaging work which explores the evolution and cultural function of the modern museum. Author Tony Bennett's invigorating study enriches and challenges our understanding of the museum, placing it at the center of modern relations of culture and government.
Bennett argues that the public museum should be understood not just as a place of instruction but as a reformary of manners in which a wide range of regulated social routines and performances take place. Discussing the historical development of museums alongside that of the fair and the international exhibition, he sheds new light upon the relationship between modern forms of official and popular culture.
In a series of richly detailed case studies from Britain, Australia and North America, Bennett investigates how 19th and 20th century museums, fairs, and exhibitions have organized their collections and their visitors. Highly unconventional and imaginitive in its theory, Show and Tell: The Birth of the Museum provides a distinctive perspective on the contemporary museum.
Eilean Hopper-Greenhill (1992) Museums and the Shaping of Knowledge. London: [AM7 .H66 1992]
Drawing on numerous case studies, Hooper-Greenhill presents a critical survey of major changes in current assumptions about the nature of museums, and argues that museums are consciously organizing their spaces and collections to aid self-learning.
Macdonald, S. and G. Fyfe (eds.) 1996 Theorizing Museums: Representing identity and diversity in a changing world. Oxford: Blackwell. [HM15 .S545 n.43]
Museums are key cultural loci of our times. They are symbols and sites for the playing out of social relations of identity and difference, knowledge and power, theory and representation. These are issues at the heart of contemporary anthropology, sociology and cultural studies. This volume brings together original contributions from international scholars to show how social and cultural theory can bring new insight to debate about museums. Analytical perspectives on the museum are drawn from the anthropology and sociology of globalization, time, space and consumption, as well as from feminism, psychoanalysis, experimental ethnography and literary theory. These perspectives are brought to bear on questions of museums' changing role and position in the representation of the nation-state, of community, and of gender, class and ethnicity. The examples in this book are drawn from different kinds of museum around the world, and include significant controversial and experimental exhibitions; the Enola Gay at the Smithsonian; feminist exhibitions in Scandinavia; the National Museum of Sri Lanka; Victorian art at the Tate; the representation of race at Colonial Williamsburg and of colonialism and identity in Canada.
Macdonald, Sharon ed. (1998) The politics of display: Museums, Science, Culture. London: Routledge. [AM151 .P65 1998]
The Politics of Display brings together studies of contemporary and historical museum shows and challenges the notion that these exhibitions are politically exempt. For example, what does it mean when the Enola Gay, the aircraft which dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima, is displayed?
The contributors to this volume chart the changing relationship between displays and their audience and analyzes the consequent shift in styles of representation towards interactive and multimedia displays. Examples are taken from exhibitions of science, technology and industry, anthropology, geology, natural history and medicine. Contributors include Steven W. Allison-Bunnell, Ken Arnold, Tony Bennett, Thomas F. Gieryn, Penelope Harvey, Sharon Macdonald and Tracy Lang Teslow.
Table of contents:
李威宜 2008 《台灣記憶機構與集體想像的建制:裂解認同形構的起源(1945-1978)》。法國高等社會科學研究院歷史與文明學程博士論文。
陳佳利 2007 《被展示的傷口-記憶與創傷的博物館筆記》。台北:典藏藝術家庭。[總圖 069.07 8767]
第 1 週2/23
第 2-4 週-3/2; 3/9; 3/16
Bennett, Tony (1995) The Birth of the Museum: History, Theory, Politics. London: Routledge. [AM7 .B39 1995]
第 5 週 3/23
演講:李威宜 《臺灣百年博物館史》。
第 6-7 週 3/30; 4/6
陳佳利 2007 《被展示的傷口-記憶與創傷的博物館筆記》。台北:典藏藝術家庭。 [總圖 069.07 8767]
第 8-10 週 4/13; 4/20; 4/27
Macdonald, S. and G. Fyfe (eds.) 1996 Theorizing Museums: Representing identity and diversity in a changing world. Oxford: Blackwell. [HM15 .S545 n.43]
第 11-12 週 5/4; 5/11
李威宜 2008 《台灣記憶機構與集體想像的建制:裂解認同形構的起源(1945-1978)》。法國高等社會科學研究院歷史與文明學程博士論文。
第 13-15 週 5/18; 5/25; 6/1
Macdonald, Sharon ed. (1998) The politics of display: Museums, Science, Culture. London: Routledge. [AM151 .P65 1998]
第 16 週 6/8
第 17 週 6/15
Eilean Hopper-Greenhill (1992) Museums and the Shaping of Knowledge. London: [AM7 .H66 1992]
第 18 週 6/22
American Association of Museums (2005) 《地方博物館之「經營公民權的參與:博物館的挑戰」》(徐純譯)。台北:中華民國博物館學會。
Appadurai, A. (ed.) (1986) The Social Life of Things: Commodities in the Cultural Perspective, New York: Cambridge University Press.
Bennett, Tony (2004) Pasts beyond memory: evolution, museums, colonialism. London: Routledge.
Crane Susan A (2000) Museums and memory. California: Stanford University Press.
Crane Susan A. (2002) “Memory, Distortion, and History in the Museum History and Theory,”History and Theory. 36(4): 44 - 63.
Halbwachs, M. (2002) 《論集體記憶》。上海: 世紀出版集團。
Hudson, Kenneth. (1987) Museums of Influence (徐純譯2003 有影響力的博物) ,屏東: 海洋生物博物館。
Karp, I & S. D. Lavine (1991) Exhibiting Cultures: The Poetics and Politics of Museum Display.Washington: Smithsonian Institution.
Lidchi, H. (1997) “The Poetics and the Politics of Exhibiting Other Cultures,”S. Hall (eds.) Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices, Pp151-222. London: Sage.
Macdonald, S. ed.. (2006) A Companion to Museum Studies. UK, Oxford: Blackwell.
Macdonald, Sharon (2003) “Museums, national, poatnational, and transcultural identities,”Museum and Society,1(1): 1-16.
Macdonald, Sharon ed. (1998) The politics of display: Museums, Science, Culture. London: Routledge.
Macdonald, Sharon. (2002) Behind the Scenes at the Science Museum. Oxford: Berg Press.
Malraux, André (1965) Le musée imaginaire, Paris: Gallimard。(英譯本: Museumwithout walls)
Miller, Daniel (1998) “Why Some Things Matter?” D. Miller (ed.) Material Cultures: Why Some Things Matter, University of Chicago Press.
Pearce, S. (1992) Museums, Objects and Collections: a cultural study, Leicester University Press.
Sandell, R. (2002) Museums, Society, Inequality. London: Routledge.
Schwarzer, Marjorie (2006) Riches, Rivals, And Radicals: 100 Years of Museums in America. American Association of museums.
Stocking, G.W . (1985) Objects, and others: essays on museum and material culture. The university of Wisconsin press.
Suzanne Macleod (2001) “Making Museum Studies: Training, Education, Research and Practice,” Museum Management and Curatorship, 19(1):51-61.
Waidacher, Friedrich (2005)《博物館學-德語系世界的觀點》(曾于珍、林資傑、吳介祥、林潔盈、桂雅文譯)。台北:五觀藝術管理公司。
李怡君編著 (2006) 《台灣的特色博物館》。台北:遠足文化。
張婉真 (2005)《論博物館學》。台北:典藏藝術家庭。
劉家蓁 (2005) 《柏林灰色—散步到德國博物館》。台北:典藏藝術家庭。